A few weeks ago, I made heaps of cupcakes for Ben to take to work for his birthday. This time, I iced the cakes with passionfruit icing to use up some of the passionfruits that grew in our garden out of the compost!
They are very easy to make and very popular. The cupcake recipe is the same one as I used for the RSPCA cupcake day last year:)
Cupcakes (makes about 24)
125 g butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2/3 cup caster sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups S.R. flour
1/4 cup milk
1. Line two deep 12-hole patty pans with paper cups.
2. Combine butter, essence, sugar, eggs, flour and milk in small bowl of electric mixer; beat on low speed until ingredients are just combined. Increase speed to medium, beat about 3 minutes, or until mixture is smooth and changed to a paler colour.
3. Drop slightly rounded tablespoons of mixture into paper cases. Bake in moderate oven about 20 mins. Cool the cakes before icing them.
Passionfuit icing (taken from the crabapple bakery cupcake cookbook)
makes 2 cups icing (enough for about 24 cupcakes)
50 g softened butter
1/2 cup fresh passionfruit pulp
4 cups icing sugar
Combine the butter, passionfruit pulp and half of the shifted icing sugar in a bowl. Stir with a knife until smooth. Gradually add remaining icing sugar and combine until smooth.